Friday, September 4, 2009

Senior Year

Senior year has started and I have a lot of work that I still have to do. I need to finish the first page of my project activity check list. I don't know the last time that I posted something but I helped out with the induction last year in May and I think it went well. I still need to make a website though and I will be done with my action plan. I also need to set up an interview with someone from that Leadership For Student Activities magazine.


sam said...

-finished notes
-finished outline
-starting the lit review
-talk to Mrs. Savido about setting up a NHS
-10th grade teachers
-start lit review
-develop more interview questions (has a couple)
-contact Ms. Arenth’s friend (head of NHS at North Hills)
-schedule a talk to the 10th grade

sam said...

-start lit review (same as last week)
-interview (same as last week)
-develop more interview questions (has a couple) (same as last week)
-contact Ms. Arenth’s friend (head of NHS at North Hills) (same as last week)
-schedule a talk to the 10th grade (same as last week)

Bailey C said...

Mr. Hamilton - I finished all that stuff. Except for talking to the 10th graders because the teachers have not gotten back to Ms. Savido yet.